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Guapa goes for a ride

A big thank you to one of our Volunteers, Jan, for taking the time to see Guapa today!  Jan posted on Facebook –

“Guapa – who knew what a gem was hiding behind that exuberant greeting!”


“What a lovely time, what a terrific dog! For those of you who don’t know her she is a dog that takes some patience – at least that is what I thought. Due to our wonderful fellow volunteer Katie Mason I decided to take some time getting to know Guapa. Now I love, love, love her. She is one of those dogs who is jumpy in her run, so excited to see you she can’t help but give you love nips. Well, I am here to tell you that when you get this girl out and spend time with her she is WONDERFUL. She loves riding in the car and sits nicely just like an angel. Take her in a room and she is quickly learning to settle down, already learning little nips do not get her what she wants – which is love. Thank you Katie for teaching me a wonderful lesson –


Spend a little time with the ones you think are too much and you learn they just are desperate for love and attention.”

Thank you Jan for sharing some of your love and attention with Guapa – She’s so happy that you did!
