Say Cheese!
Who can ‘fetch’ the winning photo?
A big thanks to our Volunteer Coordinator, Shauna, for kicking off the New Year with a ‘Doggie Selfie Contest’! Volunteers are encouraged to send in their selfies with Sanctuary dogs all month for our enjoyment and to possibly win a prize! The winner will receive a MAS tee shirt and a $25 giftcard!
Rules: They must include themselves in the photo with a current Mackenzie’s dog, taken between January 1st and January 31st, 2015. Points will be awarded for creativity of photo, activity that you and the dog are doing, and overall cuteness!
Here are some samples Shauna posted with Badger and Payton to kick things off! Love the kisses from Badger and smiles with Payton!
We are super excited to see what our creative Volunteer’s come up with! Just check out a few of our awesome entries so far:

Volunteer Anne posted “A Happy New Year Selfie with Jean Luc” Isn’t he the cutest? I think the treats help 🙂

Shelly and Huck – what a sweet boy, love the heart!

Kisses are always a part of a good selfie!

Squeaky enjoyed his camera time too!

A very special selfie of Nicole and Ariel, her adopted doggie, on their way to her new Forever Home!
More Selfie updates later this week so keep snapping those photos! It’s not to late to capture the winning image!