Helping Champ Heal!
CHAMP WAS A CHAMP! He looks like a totally different boys, his procedure was beyond successful!
Champ is doing very well this morning. He is off of his IV pain medications and seems quite comfortable. He will bear weight on his left rear limb when he is walking very slowly, but still lifts up the leg most of the time.
He is on oral pain medications and trazodone for mild sedation/anxiety.
We will be bringing him back to MAS around 3:30pm.
All in all, his stay at MSU has gone much smoother than expected. This is great news!
Attached is a post-op photo….and the other is pre-op. He looks so good!

To say this story and the mystery behind it is disturbing would be an understatement. Please know the pictures attached will be upsetting to view. If you do not want to see them, please do not click on the pictures. “He has a large skin defect/wound on his left side (best guess of what caused this is a chemical burn).

Part of the original message we received asking for help:
“Champ is a 2 yr old mixed breed (45 lbs) that came to us as a stray via animal control. He has been super sweet but a little quiet. He has a large skin defect/wound on his left side (best guess of what caused this is a chemical burn). The skin is contracted down on his leg so he cannot move it. Unfortunately, there is nothing we are able to do for him at the county, since he needs surgery that is beyond our capabilities. We would love to give him a chance, but if we cannot get him transferred then he will have to be euthanized.”
As you can imagine, we were shocked in disbelief and outraged that someone could do this to a helpless dog. There was no doubt in our minds that we could help him get the medical attention he needed.
It’s because of our supporters like you that we can continue to help extreme abuse cases like Champ’s.
MSU gave a rough estimate that it would be about $10,000 for a couple procedures. They said they would be able to give me a very blunt and honest assessment as to if the limb is savable once they sedate him.”
His tentative MSU appointment is February 10th. Everyone please keep Champ in your thoughts and hope for the best outcome possible! We will make sure to continually update you once we know more.
We are asking for your support, and we know his medical bills will be over $10,000. If you can’t donate, please share his story and ask your family and friends to help if they can.
Thank you everyone for helping us help dogs like Champ, who are in desperate need of care. Donate today!
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