Order your Pet Food at Chewy.com and Mackenzie's Animal Sanctuary will get a $20 donation!

Miranda Lambert – March 19th

Are you going to see Miranda Lambert at Van Andel Arena for her #HighwayVagabondTour on Sunday, March 19? How would you like to meet her?

She has chosen Mackenzie’s Animal Sanctuary (wow!) as the beneficiary of her concert’s promotion. If you are going to the show, just bring in dog food, treats, or toys as a donation and you could win the chance to meet her before the show!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Become a Volunteer today

Did you know that a dog can make you happy and healthy? Indeed, a dog can change your entire life! Dog owners, of course, already know this. Yet you don’t need to be an owner yourself to benefit from a dog’s company. Consider becoming a volunteer today!
