Mackenzie's Admin
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Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI took Roo out into the big play yard today. He has only been out there once with me, and I had him on an extra long leash. Today I shortened his leash and let him drag it. He barked at me the whole time. I guess he figured I was to far away from him and wondered why. He followed me around for a long time. Then i followed him some. When i went in to get him a hot dog he followed after me like Hey wait for me. I grabbed my camera and a hot dog & went back out with him. He was so cute. I tried to get a picture of his reflection in the pond but when I ran to get to the other side he ran after me. I don’t think he wanted me to leave him. Coming back in I had him sit before we went thru the gate. Can’t wait to take him out again.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberSteph loves getting dirty with her boy Hercules. They both look at each other and get each other excited and Hercules start running around like a mad man on speed. It’s the funniest thing ever to watch. I never knew open spaces could make dogs so happy…so easily amused.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI completely agree, 100 percent. These dogs have reinforced what I have been taught about loving yourself, being happy, and making the best of what you have. These dogs do that on a day to day basis and they seem to be just as happy as always. I have nothing to complain about…only things to look forward to. Like playing with Smokey, or the new little puppies…even play time with Big Stank (Olive). It all makes it worth while.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberMy thoughts – I agree, this needs to stop! The vote is coming up April 27th….. I hope and pray that the decision makers on this committee DO WHAT’S RIGHT finally and end this.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberThe dogs have loved the sunshine. I look at their outside runs and most are sun bathing. What a beautiful sight! The sun soothes the soul and the body.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberi’ve been taking everyone for walks on fridays and saturdays. as long as it’s not muddy, we go back to the woods behind my house. i take the boys first, then the girls. princess gets so excited. she loves to sniff everything! she also has a habit of starting out the walk on one side, then slowing down, going behind me and then coming up on the other side. i am constantly having to switch which hand i have her leash in. she just likes messing with me.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberwhere did that warm spring weather go??!! I can’t wait for it to warm up again… yet the dogs seem to love romping around in the brisk cool weather right now too. They are easy to please! What a great attitude – to be happy and content, finding the positive & making the most of whatever they have….. dogs can always teach us great life-lessons, huh?!
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberthat big smiling face of yours is probably what caught your new family’s eye…. now you are happily enjoying life in a cozy comfy home with your new mom & kitty brother! ***Keep smiling that great smile, Rem!***
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI have adopted a dog that has severe seperation anxiety and found that these practices do work well. However Sam’s case is extremely severe and it has taken 6 months to have him adjust. He still can become nervous but he isn’t destroying his crate or eating our walls anymore.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberwoo-hoo princess!!! she looks amazing!! she looks very happy
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberprincess had a vet appointment last week. she now weighs 64 lbs.!!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI haven’t been able to tell you but when Princess was in the other day, Alaree brought her up to the office for us to see. She LOOKS AMAZING! I have never ever seen her look so good and with so much weight on her. You should be very proud of how great a foster Mom you are. Keep up the GREAT work!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI vote to end the contract – and give more dogs the chance to be adopted into families!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberRufus is so beautiful, and so sweet. Yes he’s a big strong boy who doesn’t know his own strength, yet he wants to learn good manners & he wants to please us…. his intelligence is amazing, he learns so quickly with consistency and positive guidance. His big goofy smile with that huge tongue hanging out always puts a smile on my face!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI am amazed and excited each time we hear about Sable! He was adopted before I started working here – I would have liked to have known him from the start. I bet Sable received a standing ovation at the ceremony. No wonder Scott is a proud "dad"! Such talent & notoriety is fabulous and also does wonders for support of the "adopt from a shelter/rescue" world. Thank you, Scott, for adopting Sable and giving him a loving forever home along with providing the best opportunities possible! Hope to see you at our next Walkathon!