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Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberprincess and i went to visit tommie, bill and their two dogs, gus and kane. princess was nervous of gus and kane at first and kept walking away from them when they approached to sniff. she later warmed up some and was comfortable walking around with them. gus attempted to play, but princess wasn’t interested. she went right up to tommie for attention and pawed at her when she stopped petting.
we were in the backyard when princess suddenly gave a warning bark. bill had returned home and none of us heard him come out onto the deck. he then came down the steps and princess went right up to him for petting. princess seemed to have a great time sniffing new surroundings and meeting new people.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberThat is truly amazing! I am very happy that the three feral dogs are moving into the world. Kudos to all that have been working so hard to make this happen! You guys are the best!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberSeven things about the Humane Society of America that you probably didn’t know:
1) The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is a “humane society” in name only, since it doesn’t operate a single pet shelter or pet adoption facility anywhere in the United States. During 2007, HSUS contributed only 3.64 percent of its budget to organizations that operate hands-on dog and cat shelters. In reality, HSUS is a wealthy animal-rights lobbying organization (the largest and richest on earth) that agitates for the same goals as PETA and other radical groups.
2) Beginning on the day of NFL quarterback Michael Vick’s 2007 dogfighting indictment, HSUS raised money online with the false promise that it would “care for the dogs seized in the Michael Vick case.” The New York Times later reported that HSUS wasn’t caring for Vick’s dogs at all. And HSUS president Wayne Pacelle told the Times that his group recommended that government officials “put down” (that is, kill) the dogs rather than adopt them out to suitable homes. HSUS later quietly altered its Internet fundraising pitch.
3) HSUS’s senior management includes a former spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a criminal group designated as “terrorists” by the FBI. HSUS president Wayne Pacelle hired John “J.P.” Goodwin in 1997, the same year Goodwin described himself as “spokesperson for the ALF” while he fielded media calls in the wake of an ALF arson attack at a California veal processing plant. In 1997, when asked by reporters for a reaction to an ALF arson fire at a farmer’s feed co-op in Utah (which nearly killed a family sleeping on the premises), Goodwin replied, “We’re ecstatic.” That same year, Goodwin was arrested at a UC Davis protest celebrating the 10-year anniversary of an ALF arson at the university that caused $5 million in damage. And in 1998, Goodwin described himself publicly as a “former member of ALF.”
4) According to a 2008 Los Angeles Times investigation, less than 12 percent of money raised for HSUS by California telemarketers actually ends up in HSUS’s bank account. The rest is kept by professional fundraisers. And if you exclude two campaigns run for HSUS by the “Build-a-Bear Workshop” retail chain, which consisted of the sale of surplus stuffed animals (not really “fundraising”), HSUS’s yield number shrinks to just 3 percent. Sadly, this appears typical. In 2004, HSUS ran a telemarketing campaign in Connecticut with fundraisers who promised to return a minimum of zero percent of the proceeds. The campaign raised over $1.4 million. Not only did absolutely none of that money go to HSUS, but the group paid $175,000 for the telemarketing work.
5) Research shows that HSUS’s heavily promoted U.S. “boycott” of Canadian seafood—announced in 2005 as a protest against Canada’s annual seal hunt—is a phony exercise in media manipulation. A 2006 investigation found that 78 percent of the restaurants and seafood distributors described by HSUS as “boycotters” weren’t participating at all. Nearly two-thirds of them told surveyors they were completely unaware HSUS was using their names in connection with an international boycott campaign. Canada’s federal government is on record about this deception, saying: “Some animal rights groups have been misleading the public for years … it’s no surprise at all that the richest of them would mislead the public with a phony seafood boycott.”
6) HSUS raised a reported $34 million in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, supposedly to help reunite lost pets with their owners. But comparatively little of that money was spent for its intended purpose. Louisiana’s Attorney General shuttered his 18-month-long investigation into where most of these millions went, shortly after HSUS announced its plan to contribute $600,000 toward the construction of an animal shelter on the grounds of a state prison. Public disclosures of the disposition of the $34 million in Katrina-related donations add up to less than $7 million.
7) After gathering undercover video footage of improper animal handling at a Chino, CA slaughterhouse during November of 2007, HSUS sat on its video evidence for three months, even refusing to share it with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. HSUS’s Dr. Michael Greger testified before Congress that the San Bernardino County (CA) District Attorney’s office asked the group “to hold on to the information while they completed their investigation.” But the District Attorney’s office quickly denied that account, even declaring that HSUS refused to make its undercover spy available to investigators if the USDA were present at those meetings. Ultimately, HSUS chose to release its video footage at a more politically opportune time, as it prepared to launch a livestock-related ballot campaign in California. Meanwhile, meat from the slaughterhouse continued to flow into the U.S. food supply for months.
*Source: The Center for Consumer Freedom
Please remember that the Humane Society of America is NOT affiliated in any way with your local Humane Society.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberHooray, U-M !!!! GO BLUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI had read in the newspaper that Personal Protection Orders in some states will now include the pets of the petitioner getting the order.
CarolMackenzie’s Admin
MemberThe Humane Society of the United States wanted all the Michael Vick dogs killed. As I WAS a member of The Partners Circle program I emailed the society to find out why the organization felt that way. I was told that they felt the dogs were too damaged to be rehabilitated. HOWEVER, Best Friends & a few other rescue groups did not feel that way. The stories was of 4 of those dogs were recently rebroadcast on The National Geographic Channel on "Dog Town". One of the dogs is now a therapy dog & one of the hospitals it visits has a cancer ward. Another rescue group brought a Vick dog on The Rachel Ray Show. Best Friends does not give up on dogs just as Mackenzie’s does NOT give up on dogs. Go to the Best Friends website to get updates on the Vick dogs.
CarolMackenzie’s Admin
MemberThis really makes you think twice about the decisions we are able make….how beautiful.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberA kind heart, along with patients and knowledge goes a long way – keep up the awesome job Nicole!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberKeep up the good work team – Babe is our shining star right now! Wish her luck with her new realationships.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberBrody was a really wonderful dog. I remember when Kathy had her visit with him.She provided him with an incredible home and spoiled him very much. We couldn’t ask for any of our dogs to go to a better home. He lived a full life with her family.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberYou are not kidding! I remember that Diane S and I had been working with Andy on and off, and I also remember before he would SIT on command. When he finally did it for the very first time, I got so excited that you would have thought I had won the lotto. And then he did it two more times. Holy cow–what an exciting day that was. Rick was in the hall right outside of Ava’s run, and I practically ran, cheering, out the door to show him. I was so proud…*sniffle*
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberThe birds are chirping, the deer are moving, the vultures are overhead and the geese are landing. The dogs are more active this time of year after a long winter and it is so fun to watch them run, play and just enjoy being outside.
I was in a play yard with a couple of dogs and they ran, jumped and splashed in a large puddle. I was sprayed with mud but could hardly contain my laughter. We are all a mess with mud and water but we are all smiling as a new season has begun.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberIt’s so cool to see the strong bond that Roo has developed with you! Wanting to follow you everywhere, barking for you to come back over to him…. it makes me smile to picture him letting his guard down over the past few years, nad is now attached to someone he knows who loves him
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberwe had our first t-storm together last weekend. princess was fine with all the low rumbling, but then there was a loud crack. that got her pacing and panting. she also kept pawing at her beds. she got up on my bed (sandy wasn’t too happy with that) at one point, but didn’t stay long. she calmed down later that night after the storm passed. overall, she took it pretty well.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberi was woken up by barking dogs at 1am. after i got them calmed down, i heard, "crunch, crunch, crunch" then a pause and more, "crunch, crunch, crunch". i realized sandy had gotten into something and slowly the thought that i had thrown away some chips just the day before crept into my head. i turned on the light and, yup, half the bag was gone. if that wasn’t bad enough, she had strewn the rest of the trash from the side of my bed all the way back to the trash can in the kitchen. nice job, sandy. the trash is now behind closed doors.