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Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberlook at how far he’s come – how awesome!! Can you remember when he was just a pup, nervous of all the new environments and strangers…. and now look at him – all grown up, comfortable, & confident with anything! way to go Sable!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberIt is our charge to take care of the earths creatures and treat any living animal in a humane way. When modern science has so many alternative ways of doing research it makes this cruelty.
In humans and animals what makes them aggressive is their treatment and experiences in their life. Most can be changed to live in a better less aggressive way.
Love is what changes the world. Really look into a animals or humans eyes and see the truth for what it is. Those that can see the sadness, emtyiness, love will help change the world one step at a time.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberHe is may baby. He is a very interesting fellow. I spend much time with him. I will go into his run and he will take a very submissive posture. He enjoys a belly rub but then occassionally will jump up and give a muzzle punch.
Steph has spent a goodly amount of time reading to him or walking him; when someone else would get a lead on him. Each time she would walk up to his gate he would spin, lunge and show a dominant and aggressive side. After spending almost a year we decided she should use the gate as a shield and take the plunge. He has been fine this week with her going into the run and putting a lead on him.
He has a domiant aggressive side to him but also a submissive side. If he can he will bluff you but is selective in who he wants to spend time with.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Membershe wouldn’t have eaten the carrot cake. it would have to be a turkey or chicken cake.
she’s actually starting to protect her food from the cats, too. she used to walk away if they came over to her, but now she growls at them. i was very proud of her for not letting them take advantage of her.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI agree completely!
"Look deep into the eyes of any animal, and then for a moment, trade places, their life becomes as precious as yours and you become as vulnerable as them. Now smile if you believe all animals deserve our respect and our protection, for in a way, they are us, and we are them." -Philip Ochoa Board Member, ALL FOR ANIMALS
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI can’t believe she’s 12, time flies. Did you bake her a carrot cake?
I also wnated to tell you the picture you put up on facebook of her and the other kids are just adorable. Princess looks so happy and content. Keep up the great work with her.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberToday is a beautiful sunny day. So I took Roo for a walk behind the Octagon building. There are some nice paths back there. At first he was a little timid because of a couple of dogs barking at him, but after that he was very curious. We went quite a ways before turning to come back. Coming back he had a nice contented smile on his face. I think he decided walking isn’t so bad after all.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Membermy thoughts….. both humans & animals have a right to be treated humanely & with respect, and in my opinion dogs/cats/animals do NOT need to be used for inhumane research that causes them to endure miserable treatments and experiences. There are plenty of NON-ANIMAL testing methods & research methods available now-a-days I’m sure. (see University of Michigan!) Furthermore, in my opinion, every dog/cat deserves a chance to be part of a loving home.
The local county pet owners that take their dogs & cats to this shelter when they can’t keep the pet anymore, are they made aware when they "sign off" ownership that there is a very high chance their dog could be given to R&R for research, INSTEAD of into a loving home or a Rescue Group??? Most people assume a shelter intends to find a new home for their pet – not send it away to research.
It sounds like if these local county residents (who are also taxpayers) could choose what happens to these helpless shelter animals in their county – they would NOT choose for them to go to research facilities.
I hope the committee listens to the the concern and the opposition against R&R’s contract, and does what is right.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberwhat an awesome victory!! that’s great news!!
Mackenzie’s Admin
Memberlast week, the 11th, was princess’s birthday. she turned 12 years old. happy birthday, sweetie!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberI can definitely recognize that twinkle in your eye; it’s the same one I have when I know I am going to be able to spend time with my boy Smokey. There is just something about that bond that occurs with that one special dog. It makes your heart flutter, eyes glow, and spirts rise. It’s always good to have that dog around when you need it. It would be a blessing if Smokey and Robby found loving forever homes.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberThis honely just made me smile. I have heard these words come out of Nicole’s mouth but to see them written down just makes me happy. I’m glad everyone gets to see how Nicole feels. I absolutely love working here at Mackenzie’s and you just read a couple reasons why. Nicole is my comic relief and my motivation at times. It’s truly a pleasure working with everyone at Mackenzie’s
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberRemmy you are the Greatest reindeer ever. Right up there with Charlie
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberFrom one Wonderwoman to another. Thanks for all the kind words. You are a very sweet and loving person. Keep up all your good work.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberThis is Roo’s first time at walking in this beautiful weather. He is so eager to sniff everything. From my foot prints to other dogs. He is a sniffing machine. He even found something in the driveway that smelled good enough to roll in
He even stopped to eat some grass. One day we took a different route thru the field around the back side of the kennel. He loved it. Can’t wait to take him out in the big play yard where he can sniff even more.