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Mackenzie’s Admin
Membershe’s gotten pretty comfortable at my house. she loves to sleep on the bed when i’m at work and she also really likes an overstuffed chair that i have in the livingroom. she gets so excited when i come home. she barks, runs around the yard and jumps up on her hind legs like a horse rearing up.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Membersandy loves the snow!! her favorite thing to do is bury her face in it and burrow around with her butt in the air. then she flops over and rolls around on her back until she suddenly pops up and takes off running as fast as she can in large circles around the yard. she’s so fun to watch.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberYes, it’s great to see their excitement about being outside without frigid cold weather. You can almost hear a "Halleluiah" chorus being sung! You can even see the dogs smiling!
Mackenzie’s Admin
Membera few weeks ago, my dog luke woke me up about 5:30 on a saturday morning. it was past their usual breakfast time, so i just assumed he was ready to eat. i got up and wandered into the kitchen to find sandy standing over an empty bag of minibagels and another empty box of cinnamon rolls. one look at her rotund belly told me where they had gone. she slowly looked up at me with a look that said, "i’m SO full". it took her two days to digest all of that food. surprisingly, she only threw up a small amount later that night. now that she’s feeling better, she’s ready to do it all over agian, if given the opportunity!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberA picture from home – she fits right in…
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberA picture from Alice to everyone at Mackenzie’s.
Mackenzie’s Admin
Membersweet pea sure does have one of the most beautiful smiles and such gorgeous eyes…. her face was always lit up with joy for life. Such a pretty girl. She will surely be missed.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberIt is so critical to have some semblance of training with your dog so they can have a well balanced life. It makes it so much easier to socialize your dog, have company over and to enjoy your dog. If one doesn’t train the dog than often times the dog develops issues with behavior. Jumpiness, disruptive behavior, mouthiness and even aggression.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberSpeaking of black dogs – I recently read to big, black dogs Babe and Turner. There’s nothing ominous about either of these love bugs!
Half my time with Babe was spent laughing. She liked to be close to me some of the time and would stand & lean into me. Well, she is so big that she scooted me & the crate all the way back to the wall. LOL (For those of you that are unfamiliar with Mackenzie’s – we sit on a plastic "milk" crate while reading to the dogs.) Babe is a real sweetheart and her comedic ways are absolutley adorable!
Turner, being the people oriented guy he is, lie right by me with few distractions. He did get up once & started spinning when another dog walked by, but he quickly returned to his resting position near me. He seemed genuinely interested in the story I was reading! Of course, continual pets was a great motivator for being next to me.Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberIt just amazes me that it’s 2009 and this is still going on, we really haven’t come that far after all. It breaks my heart!
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberHis friendly, happy-go-lucky personality reminds me of Harmon…. which, funny how Lucas is in Harmon’s old run.
I have a feeling he’ll be as highly adoptable as Harmon, as he seems to have an excellent temperament so far. His future family will be so grateful to have found him.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberWe love all of our dogs here and are touched in many ways. This handsome fellow stole my heart when we Safer tested him in the shelter for possible intake at MAS. Since that time he has really made me love him even more. He is gentle, kind and funny. He is someone you can cuddle with while you read and picks things up quickly. We plan on Safer testing him next week for his volunteer status; which is something we repeat after they come out of Isolation and their health is up to par. He does remind me of another canine friend here that passed away. Some lucky family can make him their next addition.
Mackenzie’s Admin
I’ve found out that treats are not the best motivation to get Blossom’s attention. We’ve tried numerous times with various treats. After a while, she just loses interests.In the mean time, Rick and I are coming up with a modified version of the Behavior Modification Program. When we get that all set up I’ll send out another update to let everyone know how it’s working out for our precious girl Blossom.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberLucas makes me smile everytime I walk pass his run. He just stands right at his gate with the biggest smile. You just cant help but to smile.
Mackenzie’s Admin
MemberAnd I thought Chief and Winston were the only ones who would allow themselves to look silly !!!
Carol -